Letter to Mexico

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Dena Falken

President and Founder Legal-Ease International, Law degree JD, /Seminars/Entrepreneur/ Speaker/Education, Learn, Language, Multilingual Legal Translator,

Why do I love Mexico? 

Dear Mexico,

 I have basked in your oceans, wandered your colonial streets and spoken with friends and clients. I have started a business there.I have eaten your delicious food and ice-cold Sangria in the shadow of your forests and swam deep beneath the surface of your cenotes. I have strolled the magnificent streets of Mexico City, and been endlessly interested and enchanted.

Before I met you, I knew nothing of the beat of the Cities or that quesadillas that melt in your mouth. I have dined in the finest Mexican cuisine and been delighted with the smell of the food sold by local vendors on the street.

I did not know so much business could transact with a smile and a joy to learn more. That one can start a business and be well received, and maintain for years to come.

I thank you Mexico for your embrace and ambience that has changed me forever.

President and Founder Legal-Ease International, Law degree JD, /Seminars/Entrepreneur/ Speaker/Education, Learn, Language, Multilingual Legal Translator,
After so many years of training in Mexico…I owe it a thank you